The project started as a simple initiative in my kitchen but has now turned out to be a positive community and economically viable initiative:
From 2 underprivileged women, we are helping now 5 women:
to gain confidence
to meet people outside their own community
to acquire or to reinforce important business skills and personal attributes
to increase their employability
to earn their own income
This income enables them to help their family who still lives in war torn or developing countries or to buy important items essentials that some still can not afford.
We provide a nurturing and flexible working environment. The women can work straight after dropping their kids to school and until they need to pick them up. They do not have a professional kitchen experience but our professional chefs explain them everything from food safety to recipe creation.
And beyond the social mission and most importantly, we believe it is economically viable.
Our goal has never been to maximise the profit. We have never looked for the cheapest source of ingredients or ingredients and the lowest legal hourly rate for the women. Nonetheless, we never made a loss. We know our costs and know how many meals we need to sell to cover those costs. Local neighbours have always been there.
We believe that local residents continue to order from us because they want to support our mission but most importantly because they like our food.
Our clients are definitely not vegan but they enjoy meatless ethnic dinners in a local environment where food delivery options are limited.
As a result, we are here to stay. This idea which was started as a side project, is now becoming a business initiative under a Community Interest Company (CIC). This legal status confirms that we are operating as a "not for profit" company. All profits generated will be used to grow and develop our business to benefit local underprivileged women.
From17 October 2020 to 30th March 2021 :
2000 meals delivered
50% of our client are regular
95% of our meals were plant-based
500 hours of work for migrant women paid above the UK real living wage.
What’s next?
To formalise our training program and apply for grant
To increase the days we offer our meals
To expand our range of products
Thank you for supporting us!
Diane and Kieu-My